All posts by groomsdayprepper

I'm a new WordPress blogger: I listen to a lot of Blogtalkradio. I follow a lot of different shows and ministries. Trying to connect with more people as I learn more about the blogging community. On Facebook I'm philman

research on prehistoric copper mining in copper country usa




The Lure of Copper

When the Canaanite-Beaker people rolled across Western Europe from North Africa, they knit that region together by a NETWORK OF TRADING POSTS. The Berbers were an active sea-going people, known for their long distance ocean voyaging. On the boats that they built they used animal skins for sails and, after a while, a great shortage of skins for the leather sails threatened to interrupt their maritime activities. This problem was solved by a group of Berbers who set up a large hunting camp in Arctic Norway near Mount Komsa in Finnmark. From here they annually took large numbers of reindeer out of the herds migrating through the area and sent the skins to the oak forests of southern Sweden and Conamara in Ireland for tanning with oak bark. Other trading posts appeared in the amber-rich areas of the Baltic.

In their merchantile voyages and through…

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Will you answer the call to be used in the great harvest of souls?

Hear His Heart

Word from the Lord:

My people, listen to Me this day.  I have plans to do mighty miracles and bring in a great harvest of souls in these last days.  And, I have plans to use My chosen ones for this.  Yet, many of whom are called to be used in this great harvest are not prepared, nor listening to My Spirit within them.

I tell you, My people, if you do not get alone with Me in your secret chambers and seek Me, then I am greatly hindered in My work within you.  And therefore, many of you will be passed over when I had desired to greatly use you in these last days.  Do not allow this.

How great are the days in which you all have entered.  Yes, there shall be many calamities and woes throughout the world as I shake all that can be shaken.  Yet…

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Thousand Points of Lights

Mystery of the Iniquity


William Cooper: A ‘chosen few’ disappear behind the veil and become one of the “Thousand Points of Light,” are more properly known as the “Magi.”


“H.G. Wells, best known of all early Fabians, once wrote of the Fabian project:
The political world of the Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments….The character of the Open Conspiracy will then be plainly displayed. It will be a world religion. This large, loose assimilatory mass of groups and societies will definitely and obviously attempt to swallow up the entire population of the world and become a new human community….The immediate task before all people, a planned World State, is appearing at a thousand points of light [but]…generations of propaganda and education may have to precede it.
“The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution” by H.G. Wells-1928
The government-created crisis, masquerading as an unexpected external provocation, is elementary Hegelian strategy…

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I believe that the spiritual realm overshadows the physical one we exist in; namely, the five dimensions we call reality. From time to time, in my opinion, we are given a true glimpse of what the Spirit thinks of the physical action. We have seen two examples of this regarding the final decadent, corrupt, and brazen end of the Obama Reign of Marxist Terror. The first was Obama’s final White House Party. The second was the farce known as the Golden Globe Awards.

The best comparison I can make regarding Obama’s final, drunken, drug fueled orgy is to Balthasar’s the Babylonian King sending for the Jewish Temple’s cups to drink out of. We are told a hand appeared and wrote: Mene, Tekel; Uparshim on the banquet hall. This translate to: Balthasar, you are weighed; Baltashar, you are judged; Baltashar, you are found wanting and sentenced to death. Insert Obama, and…

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HELL HOUSE: Dancing With the Devil In Oakland

Absolute Truth from the Word of God


I knew that if I dug deep enough, I would find Satan at the heart of the tragic fire which took the lives of dozens of people in Oakland, CA.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words.  What I will show you about the “Warehouse” in Oakland will express more than I could ever write.

As you will see, Shiva – the god of destruction in Hinduism, was greatly revered by the lost souls who gathered and even lived at the warehouse.

One of the pictures of the “Oakland Ghost Ship” as it was called, clearly shows a woman in a ritualistic dance, with fire above her.  There were no smoke alarms nor was there a sprinkler system in place at this satanic gathering house. One could speculate that the inferno began during one of these dances.


The rest of this article will just be photos of Oakland…

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